Ray Davies's
Working Man's Café cover


Ray Davies, released on Schoolboys in Disgrace, © Davray Music Ltd. 1976


If ever you think about the happiest days of your life

Cast back your mind for a while

And remember the time when you were a child.

Don't think of things that make you sad,

Just remember all the good times that you had.


Do you remember only happy days,

Full of flaming Junes and summer holidays?

Or do you remember those stormy Novembers

When we walked in the wind and the rain?

Schooldays were such happy days

Now they seem so far away,

I remember and I'll always treasure.

Schooldays were the happiest days of your life

But we never appreciate the good times we have

Until it's too late.


I miss all the acquaintances we made

And I'd go back if I could only find a way,

Schooldays were the happiest days

Though at the time they filled me with dismay.

We only remember what we choose to remember.

When I was a schoolboy I loathed regulations and rules

I hated my textbooks and my school uniform,

'Cos it made me conform,

And teachers were always disobeyed,

But I'd go back if I could only find a way.


Schooldays were the happiest days,

Now they seem so far away.

I remember and I'll always treasure

Schooldays were the happiest days of your life

But we never appreciate the good times we have

Until it's too late.

Now I wish I hadn't strayed,

And I'd go back if I could only find a way.

