Walking on the Camino Francés

The pilgrimage route from France to Santiago, Spain. Links to all pages:

Camino Francés

I walked the 779 kilometres from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, France to Santiago in October-November when the hot weather turned comfortable. In late November it was somewhat cold and rainy.

Camino Francés after Puenta La Reina-Gares. We got lunch at the food truck parked to the left.

Most people choose to walk 25-30 kilometres a day.

You must be in reasonable physical condition. I trained by walking 20 or 30 kilometres in terrain with a rucksack.

If you walk steady and at least 5 kilometres per hour, the body will pay you by releasing endorphine that gives you a feeling of wellbeing all day long!

Take care not to stress the body at the end of the day. Don’t fall. Take it easy on the last kilometres!

You start from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France. The route follows a narrow valley to Spain.

France on the left and Spain on the right side

Finally at the top! France seen from Spain.

There is a huge hostel in a monastery in Roncesvalles, Spain, "Albergue des Peregrinos". It is newly renovated in an old building. There is a restaurant nearby that offers supper and breakfast.

Leaving Roncesvalles in the morning. It's a long way to Santiago!

A view from the valley between Zubiri and Pamplona.

Sunrise over Viana

You will pass over many nice bridges

Leaving Nájera in the morning.

The most beautiful hostel on the Camino is in San Juan de Ortega. In this village there is also an inn that would be at home in Lord of the Rings.

The village of Agen seems to live by tourism. The buildings are very well maintained.

Hornillos del Camino in the distance.

Leaving Hornillos del Camino before sunrise.

Puente Fitero over Río Pisuerga

West of Astorga

On the way to Foncebadón

Leaving Foncebadón in the morning

Near Fonfria

Near Triacastela

I made it! Finally at the cathedral in Santiago.

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