The Beatles in Paris

All Lines

I've got a whole lot of things I've gotta say
I've got every reason on earth to be mad
I've got everything that you want
I've got my bag, run to the station
I've got no time for trivialities
I've got nothing to say but it's O.K.
I've got noting to say but it's O.K.
I've got something I can laugh about
I've got to admit it's getting better
I've had a drink or two and I don't care
I've hot a feeling, yeah
I've imagined I'm in love with you
I've just seen a face
I've known a secret for a week or two
I've learned the game
I've lost her now for sure
I've never done before
I've opened up the doors
I've seen that road before
I've waited far too long
if he was from the House of Lords
If I ain't dead already
If I catch you talking to that boy again
If I could forget her, but it's my pride
If I could get my way
If I could see you now
If I cry it's not because I'm sad
If I fell in love with you
If I find her I'll be glad
If I gave my heart to you
If I have to go
If I knew what I was missing
if I love you too, oh please
If I trust in you, oh please
If I were you
If I'd been out till quarter to three
If I'm part of you
If I'm true I'll never leave
If it makes you feel all right
If it's funny try and understand
If looks could kill it would have been us instead of him
If our new love was in vain
If she turns up while I'm gone
If she's gone I can't go on
If somebody tries to take my place
If the rain comes
If the sun don't come you get a tan
If the sun has faded away
If there's anything I can do
If there's anything that you want
If there's something I have said or done
If this boy gets you back again
If you don't I really can't go on
If you don't take her out tonight
If you don't treat her right, my friend
If you let me take your heart
If you must return if you can send it here
If you need a shoulder to cry on
If you need somebody to love
If you put your trust in me
If you really like it you can have the rights
If you say you love me too
If you want me to I will
If you want someone to make you feel so fine
If you wear red tonight
If you won't see me
If you'll only listen to my pleas
If you're down he'll pick you up
If you're feeling sorry and sad
If you're lonely, you can talk to me
Images of broken light which
Imagine I'm in love with you
In a cap she looked much older
In case of accidents he always took his mom
in love with you
In misery
In my life I love you more
In my life I've loved them all
In my mind there's no sorrow
in my place
in our yellow submarine
in spite of you it's true
in summer meanwhile back
In the beginning I misunderstood
in the church where a wedding has been
In the end you will know, oh
In the evening wanna die
In the good and bad books that I have read
In the land of submarines
in the morning and started to laugh
In the morning wanna die
in the night when there's nobody there
In the state I'm in
In the town where I was born
In the USA
In this way Mr. K will challenge the world
In this world there's nothing I would rather do
in your mind
inciting and inviting me
indicate precisely what you mean to say
inside a zoo, what a thing to do
Into the light of the dark black night
Is call you on the phone
is coming to take you away
is dying to take you away
is equal to the love you make
Is everything I need
is having
is hoping to take you away
Is it for her or myself that I cry
Is it right that you and I should fight, every night
is keeping perfectly still
is leaving
is not enough to show I care
is talking perfectly loud
Is there anybody going to listen to my story
Is there anything I can do
is waiting to take you away
Is whisper in your ear
Is you're down there
Isle of Wight, if it's not too dear
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Isn't it good Norwegian wood?
It always leads me her
it blows my mind
It calls me on and on across the universe
It could make a million for you overnight
It doesn't matter much to me
It feels alright now
It feels like years
It is being
It is believing
It is knowing
It is no surprise now
It is not dying
It is not living
It is shining
it makes me cry
It makes me wanna cry
it takes to fill the Albert Hall
It took me so long to find out
It took me years to write, will you take a look
it turns me on
It was twenty years ago today
It won't be long yeh, till I belong to you, woo
It won't be long yeh, till I belong to you
It won't be long yeh, yeh, yeh
It won't be long yeh, yeh
It's a love that had no past
It's a love that lasts forever
It's a steady job
It's a thousand pages, give or take a few
It's beautiful and so are you
It's been a hard day's night
It's been a long time
It's certainly a thrill
It's clean machine
It's doing me harm, you know I can't sleep
It's driving me mad
it's easy 'cause I know
It's easy
It's getting better all the time
it's getting better since you've been mine
It's getting hard to be someone
It's getting very near the end
It's gonna be a drag
It's good to have the both of you back
it's just a state of mind
it's me
It's my birthday too, yeah
It's not like me to pretend
It's only love and that is all
It's so easy for a girl like you to lie
It's so fine, It's sunshine
it's so hard to reason with you
It's such a feeling that my love
It's the dirty story of a dirty man
It's the part of Liverpool
It's the word I'm thinking of
It's the word, love
it's time for bed
It's time for tea and meet the wife
It's wonderful to be here
It's you she's thinking of
it's you
Jack knife in your sweaty hands
Jai guru deva om
Jai guru deva
Jo Jo left his home in Tucson, Arizona
Jo Jo was a man who thought he was a loner
Joan was quizzical, studied pataphysical
juba juba juba juba
juba juba juba
juba juba
Julia, Julia, Julia
Julia, Julia
Just a smile would lighten everything
Just call on me and I'll send it along
Just like Dylan's Mr. Jones
just like I need you
just like you want it to
Just look into my eyes
Just sees what he wants to see
just the sight of you makes nighttime bright, very bright
Just to dance with you
Just to know that she loves me
Just to love you, but oh, my, oh
just to sit at her table
Keep all my love forever
Keeping an eye on the world going by my window
Keeps a ten bob note up his nose
kindly send her sailing back to me
knows not where he's going to
La la how the life goes on
La la la la la la
La, la, la, la, la, la
Lady Madonna lying on the bed
Lady Madonna trying to make ends meet, yeah
Lady Madonna, baby at your breast
Lady Madonna, children at your feet
Last night I said these words to my girl
Last night is the night I will remember you by
Last night the wife said
Late nights all alone with her a test tube
late of Pablo Fanques'fair, what a scene
Lay down all thought
Lead me to you door
lead me to your door
Leave it all till somebody else
Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case
Leave me where I am
Leaving the note that she hoped would say more
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
Lends you a hand
Let it be, let it be
Let it be
Let me go on loving you
Let me hear you balalaika's ringing out
Let me hear you say
let me know the way
Let me take you down
Let me understand
Let this be a sermon
Let's all get up and dance to a song
Let's pretend we just can't see his face
Life goes on, bra
Life is very short and there's no time
Lift my head, I'm still yawning
Lift up your hearts and sing me a song
lifting latches on our way back home
Like a heart that's oh so true
Like a lizard on a window pain
Like a Rolling Stone
Like I love only you
Like no other can
Like the F.B.I.
Like the night before
Limitless undying love which
Listen to me one more time
Listen to me (2)
Listen to the music playing in your head
Listen to the pretty
Listen, do you want to know a secret
little child won't you dance with me
Little child, little child
Lived a man who sailed to sea
Lives in a dream
Living in the world agree
Living is easy with eyes closed
Lonely one
Lonely wanna die
longer that that road
Look around round round
Look around round
Look around
Look at him working, darning his socks
Look at me
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
Look in my direction
Look into these eyes now
Look out cause here she comes
Look out
Look up my number
look what you've done
Look, what you're doing
Looking through a glass onion
Looking through the bent backed tulips
Love forever and forever
Love has a nasty habit
Love is all you need
Love is all, love is you
Love is here to stay and that's enough
Love to hear you say that love is love
Love was in your eyes
Love will find a way?
love you all the time
Love you every day, girl
Love you forever and forever
Love you like no other baby
love you more
Love you when we're apart
Love you whenever we're together
Love you with all my heart
Love you, love you
Love, love me do
Love, love, love
Lovely meter maid
Lovely Rita meter maid
loves me all the time, girl
Loving you
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lying there and staring at the ceiling
Lying with his eyes while his
Made a lightning trip to Vienna
Made her look a little like a military man
made sure that he was dead
made sure that she was dead
Made the bus in seconds flat
Make it easy to be near you
make your mother sigh
makes me weak in the knee
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Making love to only you
Man buys ring, woman throws it away
Man you've been a naughty boy
Man, I had a dreadful flight
Man, I was mean but I'm changing my scene
Man, you should have seen them kicking
Many more of them live next door
Many times I've been alone
many years from now
many, many, many times before
Martha my dear
Martha my love don't forget me
Matt Busby
Maxwell Edison, majoring in medicine
Maxwell stands alone
may I inquire discreetly
May mourn the dead
me back again
Me hiding me head in the sand
Me I'm just the lucky kind
Me used to be angry young man
Mean Mr. Mustard sleeps in the park
measured out in miles
measured out in years
measured out in you
Meeting a man from the motor trade
Messers K. and H. assure the public
Michelle, ma belle
mine forever more
Misunderstanding all you see
Mm mm mm mm mm mm
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm
Mm, mm, mm (2)
Molly is the singer in a band
Molly lets the children lend a hand
Molly stays at home and does her pretty face
Monday morning turning back
Monday's child has learned to tie his bootlegs
Morning moon touch me
Mother Mary comes to me
Mother Nature's Son
Mother Superior jump the gun
mountain way down south
Move over twice
Mr. city policeman sitting
multicolored mirror on his hobnail boots
Mundo paparazzi miamore chicka ferdy parasol
My baby don't care
My baby says she's traveling
My father was of the earth
My friend works for the National Health
My hands are tied
my happiness dear makes me cry
My independence seems to vanish in the haze
My love don't give me presents
My Michelle
My mother was of the sky
My position is tragic
My tears are falling like rain from the sky
Na na na na na
na na na na yeah
na na na na, hey Jude
na na na na
Na, na na na na na na
Na, na, na
never a thought for ourselves
Never be the lonely one
never realized what I kiss could be
Newspaper taxies appear on the shores
No one can succeed like
No one comes near
No one I think is in my tree
No one was saved
No one will be watching us
No one you can save that can't be saved