The Technostructure vs.
Morgan's Metaphors

5. Answering the Research Questions

Research question 1:

Is Galbraith's and Mintzberg's technostructure providing a useful description of leadership and development in the modern enterprise?

Answer: Yes, as concluded in section 3.f, a combination of the two authors yields both a useful definition of the technostructure and a useful description of its goals in the modern enterprise.

Research question 2:

Can Morgan's metaphors provide new aspects on the technostructure?

Answer: Yes, as shown in section 4.j, at least five of Morgan's eight metaphors throw new light on the notion of the technostructure.

Whether the technostructure in fact is as strong as J.K. Galbraith maintains cannot be answered here – it depends on an empirical study which could be both interesting and difficult:

5.a Considerations of Validity

As noted in section 1.c there are no data and no respondents, meaning that it is the validity and reliability that are to be considered. Here is my judgment after the actual study was carried out:

1. Validity: Is this study actually examining what it claims to study? Here are two disputed points:

Answer: Yes, it seems that the study is valid. I have not found reasons to state that the author's disagreements are such that the combinations of their theories are invalid.

2. Reliability: Is the study carried out in a sufficiently exact way? Morgan's idea of using theories is referred in section 4.a:

Answer: The study seems to be reliable. The combined theory of Galbraith and Mintzberg is compared to Morgan's eight metaphors. That seems to be a useful approach to understand the same situation in many ways.