1. Research Questions 1.a Delimitations 1.b Definitions 1.c Design of the Examination 2. On the Three Authors 3. Galbraith's and Mintzberg's Technostructure 3.a Galbraith's Technostructure 3.b Mintzberg's Technostructure 3.c Delegation of Power 3.d Influence in the Organization 3.e Whose Goals are Dominating? 3.f A Technostructure Synthesis 4. The Technostructure Viewed with Morgan's Metaphors 4.a Metaphors and Theories 4.b The Machine Metaphor 4.c The Organism Metaphor 4.d The Brain Metaphor 4.e The Culture Metaphor 4.f The Political System Metaphor 4.g The Psychic Prison Metaphor 4.h The Flux and Transformation Metaphor 4.i The Domination Metaphor 4.j The Technostructure versus Morgan's Metaphors 5. Answering the Research Questions 5.a Considerations of Validity 6. Sources and Appendix 6.a Books 6.b Internet Sites 6.c Appendix Footnotes